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How to get rid of rats in your garden without poison or traps

For good!
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While no one wants rats in their home, they can also be a problem in gardens. It may be harder to hear or see rats outside, but if they make your garden home they could gnaw their way through fruit and vegetables, set up camp in your compost and even burrow tunnel networks in your soil. So, how do you get rid of them?


Traps or poison are two common solutions when people have rats in their home. But outside, these methods can pose a risk for children, pets and native wildlife. In fact, even dogs and cats who eat poisoned rats may die, according to the RSPCA, which says to avoid using baits in and around your home.

Instead, you can use methods that deter rats and offer a permanent solution. So, here are six ways to get rid of rats in your garden for good (and some of these will work indoors too!).

1. Peppermint oil

Rats hate the smell of peppermint oil, so it’s an effective way to drive them away. Moisten some cotton balls with 100 per cent pure peppermint oil and place them in various spots around the garden, including the garage and shed. Reapply the oil a couple of times a week.

2. Catnip

Planting catnip in your garden can act as a deterrent for rats and it’s usually available at garden centres. You could also be strategic with your planting and look for signs of rat activity like nests and pellet droppings.

Catnip in a cottage garden.
(Credit: Getty)

3. Remove food and water sources

Rats will seek out any sources of food or water in your garden. So, make sure your taps aren’t dripping and place any bird baths out of reach of rats (or empty them at night). It’s also a good idea to bring bowls of pet food and water in at night.

If you have compost, keep it secure and bury any organic material deep in the bin. Also make sure lids are tightly closed on bins and don’t leave garbage bags outside for long periods.

4. Keep your garden clean

You can deter rats by keeping your garden clean and tidy. Remove piles of wood and garden clippings; pick up any fallen fruit, berries or vegetables, and cut back overgrown areas.

A tidy garden with raised garden beds.
(Credit: Getty)

5. Soil netting

If you want to protect a new garden from rats, lay a piece of netting just under the soil. This will prevent rats from burrowing and eating roots and bulbs. But determined rats may chew through the netting, so keep an eye out for that. 

6. Sealing gaps

Rats will try to enter your home through any gaps or cracks in external walls. Use an appropriate sealant to block any nooks and crannies.

Can I get rid of rats with a humane rat trap?

A humane rat trap is designed to catch the rat without harming it, and has a mechanism to prevent any other animals getting. While this is more humane and protects any other wildlife that may get caught, it does mean you would need to decide how to get rid of rats you catch with it. For example, by releasing them away from your home and garden.


If you want to go down this path, you can get humane traps from some garden centres and hardware stores, as well as online.

Need to get rid of more pests?

If you think you’ve got mice, rather than rats, another option is to make a DIY mouse trap using a bucket. There are also plenty of ways to get rid of most other pests, including ants, moths and cockroaches.

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