Natural cleaning oils to help clean the home

Try out these alternative household solutions.
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We all love a clean home, but do we really need to use harsh products to keep it that way?

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Chemical cleaning solutions can help make everything look great again, but they can also come with their own set of problems – they can be triggering to allergies and are not exactly eco-friendly.

But fear not, saying no to chemical cleaners doesn’t mean you have to submit to a grubby home, you can opt for natural oils instead! Australian essential oils can disinfect and remove stains just as well as chemically driven solutions, so it’s a win, win for you and the environment.

Here are the four best oils to use:

Lemon myrtle

Lemon Myrtle is a liquid found in citrus fruits that holds antibacterial and anti-fungal properties, making it the perfect alternative solution to use as a kitchen surface spray.

It has been proven to kill bacteria such as Aspergillus Niger, E. Coli and Salmonella that can reside in kitchens.

Mandarin oil

Mandarin oil is a great all-rounder, repelling most common household bacteria. “Mandarin oil is also known for being the most calming and uplifting essential oil,” says Jessica Bragdon, founder of Koala Eco.

Eucalyptus oil

Not only does it have a fresh smell, but Eucalyptus oil can also help boost the immune system – a property much welcomed during the colder seasons.

It is especially great for bathrooms as it helps fight bacteria such as E. Coli and Streptococcus.

Peppermint oil

Peppermint oil is a must-have in your cleaning cupboard! Not only is it a great glass cleaning solution, but it can also help with common pest problems around the home.

It’s also a great option when it comes to polishing up stainless steel and chrome, leaving them streak-free and super clean.


Lemon oil

Did you know that the humble lemon is so much more than an addition to your fruit bowl? Lemons are known for containing the compound d-limonene, which when combined with water formulates a powerful (non-toxic) cleaning agent!

For an all-purpose spray, combine a litre of tap water, 4 drops of lemon oil, 4 drops of eucalyptus oil, 2 drops of tea tree oil and 1 drop of clove bud oil.

Lavender oil

Known for its calming properties, lavender oil is another favourite when it comes to natural products. Add a drop to your dryer sheets or with 120ml water to freshen up linen.

Tea Tree oil

When it comes to versatility, tea tree oil is up there. Its antiseptic and antiviral properties make it great for general cleaning or disinfectant sprays and more specific uses such as toilets. You can also use a drop or two topically on your face to treat blemishes!

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