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Unlocking wealth with feng shui: the toilet’s surprising role

"Flushing our money down the toilet."

Feng shui, an ancient Chinese practice of harmonising space for positive energy, offers insights into wealth accumulation. And it turns out, one common household habit might be draining away prosperity: leaving the toilet seat up.


Is it bad luck to leave the toilet seat up in feng shui?

According to Kimberley Gallagher, known as @thefengshuiflow on Instagram, keeping the toilet seat down is crucial. In a recent post, she explains that in feng shui, it’s believed that wealth can escape down drains, symbolised by the open toilet lid.

“It’s important the toilet seat lid is kept down because we believe wealth escapes down our drains. If you think how much bigger the toilet is than the drain, that’s how much wealth is escaping your toilet.”

“So if you can try and get everybody in your home to keep that lid down.”

Her followers quickly responded, with some saying they’ve already made a habit of this.


“My nanna learnt this when she stayed at my uncles in Malaysia about 25 years ago, and I remember her, as clear as day, hollering at us all that we needed to keep the lids shut or we were flushing our money down the toilet, said one commenter.

Another added: “I reference this a lot, especially when we get a good tax return. “That’s because we kept the toilet lid down”.

Others pointed out that keeping the lid down most of the day can cause mould to grow. 

While acknowledging hygiene and mould growth concerns, Gallagher suggests alternative solutions, like placing a red thread under the sink and closing the bathroom door.

toilet feng shui
(Credit: Getty)

Other ways to activate wealth in your home

In a previous interview with Better Homes and Gardens, Jane Langof, a Feng Shui Master at Feng Shui Concepts, says there are other ways to activate wealth in your home according to traditional feng shui.

“The energy flow at your front entrance plays a crucial role in determining your wealth, as it’s where the main energy source enters your home,” she says. 

“Make the front of your home as attractive and appealing as possible and ensure the path to your door is unobstructed to encourage positive energy and opportunities to flow. Have clear number signage, symbolically indicating that energy and opportunities can find you.”


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