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DIY outdoor pebble pavers

Wander up the garden path.

Transform ready-made concrete pavers into mosaic stepping stones using pebbles.


Gather your supplies

  • 330mm round concrete stepping stone pavers
  • 400mm plywood square
  • 10 x 25mm smooth pebbles in desired colours
  • High-strength mortar mix

You’ll also need

Waterproof gloves; dust mask; mixing bowl; scoop; plastic trowel; plastic spatula; tile sponge; plastic sheet

Here’s how

Step 1

diy pavers
(Credit: Meredith) (Credit: Meredith)

Draw around concrete stepping stone on plywood as a design guide. Lay out pebbles in a pleasing pattern on the plywood, contrasting different sizes and colours. Fit the pebbles together like puzzle pieces with their flattest side up.

Step 2

diy pavers
(Credit: Meredith) (Credit: Meredith)

Wearing gloves and a dust mask, prepare the mortar, as per the manufacturer’s instructions. Aim for a stiff consistency comparable to peanut butter.

Step 3

diy pavers
(Credit: Meredith) (Credit: Meredith)

Apply mortar about 15mm thick in the centre of a stepping stone. Transferring the design from the plywood as you go, start pressing pebbles firmly into place.

Step 4

diy pavers
(Credit: Meredith) (Credit: Meredith)

Complete the process of pressing the pebbles into place within 30-45 minutes, before the mortar starts to set. Lay the plywood on top of the pebbles and press firmly to level the surface of the stepper. Use the spatula to press mortar between pebbles as needed to hold them firmly in place.

Step 5

diy pavers
(Credit: Meredith) (Credit: Meredith)

With a damp tiling sponge, gently wipe off excess mortar on pebbles, rinsing sponge frequently in clean water. Repeat process until last film of mortar has been removed from surface of the stones. Avoid over- wetting the mortar as this will weaken the cement and integrity of the mosaic. Rinse all tools as soon as possible after working with mortar.

Step 6

diy pavers
(Credit: Meredith) (Credit: Meredith)

Cover stepping stone with plastic sheet for at least 48 hours as it begins to cure. Do not stand or walk on it until it has fully cured, about 3 to 4 weeks. Excavate holes in ground to depth of paver plus 2.5cm before positioning each stepping stone.

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