Snakes and how to repel them are at the forefront of many people’s minds, particularly as warmer temperatures and optimal breeding conditions lead to more serpent sightings.
One question lots of people are asking is whether snake repellents work.
Ultrasonic snake repellents are designed to emit a vibration into the surrounding soil that scares snakes away. The effectiveness, however, depends on who you talk to.
RELATED: 5 warning signs you’ve got snakes in your garden
Do ultrasonic snake repellents work?
Mark Pelley, an Australian snake hunter with extensive experience in catching and relocating snakes, conducted a revealing test on these repellents. In a video shared on Facebook, he demonstrated that, in his experience, vibrations and sounds do not deter snakes.
According to Mark, a snake’s primary senses revolve around sight and smell rather than vibrations.
“It is my belief that after years of working with venomous snakes, vibrations and sound do not deter snakes. A snake’s primary perception and sensation of the world revolve primarily around sight and smell,” he says in the video.
Mark tested various snake repellents on snakes he had on hand, including a red-belly black snake, a king brown snake, and a tiger snake, all appearing unphased by the repellents.

Should you stomp your feet to deter snakes?
To further test his theory (that vibrations and sounds don’t repel snakes), Mark, who says he weighs about 100 kilograms, jumps up and down on the grass near the snake. Also, nothing happens.
So, how can you deter snakes?
So, how do you stop snakes from coming into your yard?
In an article on his website, Mark says it’s impossible to 100% snake-proof your home.
Reassuringly, he adds, “While there is a lot of fear and hype, snakes do NOT go out of their way to harm people. In fact, the opposite is true; snakes try to avoid people as they are incredibly shy creatures.”
“Australia is home to snakes just as much as it is to our people.”
The best way to keep snakes out of your yard
Mark says you can implement some “common sense steps” around the home to minimise the chances of encountering an unwanted snake.
- Maintain a neat and clutter-free yard by removing items like metal sheets and discarded materials.
- Eliminate overgrown weeds and creeping plants.
- Pay special attention to rock retaining walls, as snakes may be attracted to them, especially if there are openings or access points to water, like a pool. Ensure these gaps are filled with concrete or a sturdy substance.
- Trim overgrown vegetation along fence lines.
- Be mindful of gaps between entrance doors and the floor, as snakes can squeeze through.
- Check doggy doors to ensure no openings around them.
- Remember that snakes are adept climbers who may access your roof, so keep this in mind.
- Wear protective footwear such as good boots, long pants, and gardening gloves when working in the garden.
- Always inspect your surroundings before touching any part of your garden.