One of the easiest ways to propagate lavender is by taking cuttings – and the best time to take cuttings is after flowering. Pruning lavender at least twice a year is an important way to ensure it stays bushy and healthy, so there’s no harm in taking the offcuts from routine pruning to create even more lovely lavender plants.
Watch: How to grow lavender
It will take about a year for the propagated lavender to become big enough to plant, so it pays to think ahead!
How to propagate lavendar
In Australia, lavender will grow best in Zones 4 to 6, so keep that in mind when deciding to grow lavendar from cuttings. The instructions below call for Seed raising mix. Whatever spoil you choose, it’s important the soil is well-draining to avoid root rot.
Can you root lavendar cuttings in water?
The instructions below are for rooting lavendar in soil, but that doesn’t mean you can’t try and root your cuttings in water. That said, lavendar cuttings are susceptible to root rot if left in water too long. So the easist way to propagate lavender is by rooting your cuttings in soil.

What you’ll need to propagate lavender
• Rooting hormone powder
• Small pot
• Seed raising mix
• Pencil
A step-by-step guide to propagating lavender
Step 1 Choose non-flowering shoots that have a woody base but a soft, green tip. Gently pull a 10cm shoot to side and strip away from main plant, ensuring it has a heel (a strip of bark) attached. Trim with secateurs.

Step 2 Remove leaves at base of cutting and dip cutting into rooting hormone powder that’s suitable for semi-hardwood cuttings.

Step 3 Fill pot with seed raising mix. Using pencil, poke a shallow hole in top of mix and insert cutting. Repeat for each cutting. Firm cuttings into mix with your fingers and water. In cool or cold areas, cover pot with a clear plastic bag secured around rim with elastic band. You can skip this step if you live in an area with a warm, humid climate. Position pots on a warm windowsill and water when dry – take care not to overwater, as this will cause cuttings to rot.

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