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The one thing you should avoid doing to your fiddle-leaf fig

They're a temperamental bunch
Sarah Sosiak on Unsplash

Despite its popularity, the fiddle-leaf fig can be a difficult plant to please. 


With that in mind, there is one thing you can do in order to give it a fighting chance. 

Angie Thomas Horticulture Consultant to Yates says fiddle-leaf figs can be temperamental if moved around. 

“Weeping figs are notorious for dropping their leaves when they’re moved and fiddle-leaf figs can also sulk and lose some of their leaves if you move them,” said Angie.

The only exception, of course, is if the plant is miserable.


“If your fiddle-leaf fig is not liking its current spot and is not looking happy, then move it to a better location (such as with brighter light or away from a draft). Otherwise, try to avoid moving your fig or if you do have to move it, do it gradually and hope it doesn’t notice.”

fiddle-leaf fig
(Credit: Kara Michelle on Unsplash) (Credit: Kara Michelle on Unsplash)

Where to place your fiddle-leaf fig

The fiddle-leaf fig is an excellent indoor-plant choice – as long as it’s placed in the right spot. 

“They love a spot indoors that’s well lit but protected from direct sunlight. It’s a good idea to rotate the pot around, by half a turn, every fortnight so that each side of the plant receives some light. This will help reduce the chance of lopsided growth,” Angie explains.


“Fiddle-leaf figs don’t like drafts from windows or air conditioners. They’re native to humid tropical rainforests, so they love a protected humid environment.”

As for how much you should water it, Angie says overwatering is a big problem.

“Only re-water when the top few centimetres of potting mix feels dry,” she says, adding, “And remember to feed your fiddle leaf fig during the warmer months of the year with a liquid fertiliser like Yates Thrive All Purpose Liquid Plant Food.”


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