
DIY fire pit

A fire pit is the new water feature.

Backyard fire pits are becoming increasingly popular as we look to utilise the outdoor space in winter with functional landscaping features.

Essentially, a fire pit is the new water feature; it’s a great addition to the backyard, transforming the outdoor area into a cosy and inviting space – perfect for those winter evenings.


“The ambience a fire pit brings is worth the investment alone, providing an enjoyable feature for the garden and a natural gathering spot for socialising and entertaining. It’s a great focal point, I like to describe it as nature’s TV and people are naturally drawn to the campfire-like atmosphere,” explains landscape expert and Adbri Masonry brand ambassador, Jason Hodges.

Here, Jason Hodges offers a simple step-by-step DIY guide to building your very own fire pit:

What you’ll need:

AB® Courtyard York Blocks x 56

Tube of Masonry Adhesive x 2

20kg Bags of Crushed Rock x 10

AB® Courtyard Caps x 28

Metal Fire Ring (opt) x 1

20kg Bags of Decorative Rock (opt) x 6


1. Excavation

After you determine the location of your fire pit, you will need to excavate the area. Lay the first course of Adbri AB® Courtyard York blocks so you can mark the location of where the blocks will be. Remove the blocks and dig a level trench 75mm deep and 178mm wide or excavate the full circle.


diy fire pit

2. Creating The Foundation

Fill the trench with a weak mix of sand and cement, about 6:1 (6 parts sand and 1 part cement). Take your time to ensure the foundation is level. Place 4 x AB® Courtyard blocks at the cross points of the circle and use a straight 2×4 and a level to check the entire trench is level. Make adjustments by adding or removing the sand and cement screed.

Fire pit

3. Laying The First Course

Place the base course of blocks on the foundation pad, check the levelling each time a few blocks are laid to ensure that they are all level from front to back and side to side before placing the next block. This will ensure a level base course.

fire pit

4. Second Course

Stack the next course of blocks, making adjustments as necessary. Once installed, remove sod/vegetation from the centre of the fire pit area. Lay approx. 6 x 23 kg bags of clean rock within the circle to cover the bottom of the fire pit. Then using a shovel, rake smooth.

Fire pit

5. Finish With Wall Caps

Place AB® Courtyard Caps on top of the fire pit, securing them with a tube of masonry adhesive.

fire pit

6. Finishing Touches

Install decorative rock to line the interior of the pit. Place a steel bowl or metal fire ring in the centre to contain the flames and get the marshmallows ready.

Fire pit

Watch the full instructional video below.

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