If your entertaining area is lacking in a statement piece, and a bit of greenery, why not add in both with this living green chandelier!
A living green chandelier is the perfect way to enhance your outdoor space and give it some life! With a couple of tools, and lots and lots of beautiful green plants, you can make this at home yourself.

Gather your supplies
- Shallow bowl
- Rust-effect chain
- Black tie wire
- Selection of fresh gum branches and gumnuts
- Ceiling hook
You’ll also need
- Drill
- 3mm drill bit, suitable for metal
- Long nose pliers
- Crimping tool
- 100mm drill bit for timber
Step 1
Cut chain into 3 equal length pieces according to the drop from the ceiling you want.
Step 2
Drill 3 evenly spaced holes in bowl lip, 10mm from edge. Open last link in chains with crimper, push through holes and close around lip with pliers.
Step 3
Drill 16 evenly spaced holes around top of bowl.
Step 4

Thread black tie wire back and forth across bowl, starting at a shorter end going one way, running wire under lip to next hole, then going the other way. Tie both ends together and trim.
Step 5

Insert branches and nuts through wire, allowing them to spill over the sides.
Step 6
Drill hole for hook in ceiling rafter and screw hook to rafter, then loop chains through hook. size as plant root ball.
Step 7
Water well, pop in water tub for 30 minutes. Breathe in the minty, honey aroma of fresh gum leaves – so quintessentially Aussie!

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