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How to grow peonies in a pot

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Whether your backyard is big or small, why not give planting and growing peonies a go at your place.


WATCH: How to grow peonies in a pot

When it comes to beautiful flowers, it doesn’t get much better than peonies. China has had a love affair with the peony for centuries. In fact, the Chinese call it the king of flowers and it’s easy to see why.

If you don’t have space for a field of peonies at home, the good news is that they grow really well in pots.

Simon Griffiths/
(Credit: Simon Griffiths/ (Credit: Simon Griffiths/

How to grow


Now to find the perfect spot for this beauty. So peonies need heavy frost through the winter to make them flower, but they also need lots of sun through the growing season to help to sort of set those flower buds and help them open, so an open sunny spot is just perfect. Peony plants dry off and die back from autumn, but not to fret, they are not dead, and will shoot again in spring.



Peonies are reasonably dry-tolerant, but you still need to keep the water up to them during their first summer. 


Well-drained soil is crucial alongside good drainage.

Simon Griffiths/
(Credit: Simon Griffiths/ (Credit: Simon Griffiths/


Regular watering is vital for newly planted clumps in their first summer. Be sure to give a fair soaking in dry springs and summer if conditions are extremely hot and dry.



Feed them really well during the growing season to promote big beautiful blooms.


If the peony roots seem a little dry when you first get them and are ready to plant, soak them overnight in a bucket of water before planting.

Simon Griffiths/
(Credit: Simon Griffiths/ (Credit: Simon Griffiths/

Step-by-step on how to grow peonies in a pot

  1. When choosing a pot to plant your precious peonies, look for something that has plenty of space to fill out. Make sure the pot gives them enough room to develop and to last a long time in that same pot. You also want a really nice drainage hole at the bottom.
  2. Peonies don’t like wet feet. Opt for a really good quality potting mix that allows for perfect drainage.
  3. Make a hole large enough for the shrub to fit in.
  4. Carefully remove the shrub, position it in the hole and backfill with potting mix, gently firming down. 
  5. Water in well.
Simon Griffiths/
(Credit: Simon Griffiths/ (Credit: Simon Griffiths/

Peonies are simple to grow but can also be a stunning centrepiece in your garden. Think mass plantings, specimens, or hedges. By choosing a mix of early, midseason, and late blooming varieties, you can have big blousy blooms for up to 6 weeks.

Simon Griffiths/
(Credit: Simon Griffiths/ (Credit: Simon Griffiths/

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