Home Garden

6 air-purifying plants that are safe for pets

They're pretty, too.

All of us love to deck out our homes with indoor plants that clean the air and beautify the space. However, there’s greenery that may do more harm than good. In fact, many popular houseplants – such as lily varieties, the sago palm, aloe vera, succulents and crotons – can be poisonous if ingested by our fluffy mates.

So to keep your home safe without compromising on it looking lush, we’ve rounded up six pet-friendly options for you to try at your place. 

1. Money Tree

This is a great choice for anyone with asthma, lung problems or who lives in a smoggy city.


2. Palms

Palms are a hardy, pet-friendly plant that are available in indoor varieties.

3. Spider Plant

Easy to care for and cultivate, the spider plant is an on-trend houseplants that’s safe for cats and dogs.

4. Boston Fern

This retro classic houseplant is coming back in and rightly so, as they can work as a natural humidifier.


5. Bamboo

This gem might be able to grow like wildfire, but it’ll stay a size relevant to the pot it’s in, making it a great houseplant.  

6. Wax Plant

These plants are sturdy and help to improve air quality in your home.

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