Avocados are almost a mascot for the millennial way of life. House deposits are sacrificed in favour of avo on toast at brunch, while countless internet conversations have centred around how to find the ‘perfectly ripe’ avocado – as if such a thing exists. Alas, the health benefits of this expensive fruit are myriad, and as such – it continues to be one of the hottest items in the produce isle.
However, the humble avocado is more of an enigma than you know. Read on for a list of 8 things you never knew about avocados.

- Avocados aren’t a fruit – they’re actually a really big berry.
- Despite looking nothing like pears nor alligators, this green berry used to be called an ‘alligator pear’.
- An avocado has more potassium than a banana, 975mg in fact, while bananas have just 487mg of potassium.
- According to the Guinness World Records, the largest avocado ever recorded was 2.5kg.
- Avocado has some of the highest levels of protein available from a fruit, around four grams.
- As they grow in pairs on the tree, the avocado was an Aztec symbol of love and fertility.
- A very random study by Hass Avocado Board discovered that married people buy more avocados than single people, making up around 72% of all avo purchases.
- Every part of the avocado is edible, including the pit and peel, but whether you would enjoy it or not is a different question.
Looking for a fresh new way to get a dose of avocado? Try this avocado rice-paper wrap.
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