You’ll be surprised to learn that you could level up your cooking by just using your favourite appliances properly.
WATCH: How to make red capsicum microwave mexican breakfast bowl
5 appliances you’ve been using wrong in your kitchen
When it comes to toast, most of us are busy trying not to burn it. But for perfect toast, there are surprisingly quite a few variables. Firstly, the type of bread you’re toasting affects how hot you should set your toaster. For white and pillow-soft sweet bread, heat quickly. For heavier bread like rye, it will take longer. Lastly, you will need to lower the heat for older loaves which tend to be more stale and dry.
Instead of asking “How many seconds mum?”, tell your kids to drop the salt shaker. Microwave energy is drawn to salt, so a well-seasoned top is where all the heat will be, leaving your food dry before it makes it to the dinner table. So add any salt after it’s been microwaved or mix it into your dish beforehand.
Slow cooker
Unlike a saucepan, opening the lid of your slow cooker will mess up the cooking time. So resist the temptation to lift the lid for a quick stir or taste test. A general rule of thumb is that as long as your slow cooker pot is between half and three-quarters of the way full, your dish should cook just fine.
Food processor
Are food processors and blenders the same? No, they have different functions. Save the blender for anything that needs to be super smooth with an even consistency, like smoothie bowls and soups. But when it comes to hard foods like nuts and garlic, whip out the food processor which is a dream for chunkier dishes like pesto.
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