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How to protect your home from rats and mice

Three things you need to know
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Can you hear a scratch or scurry in the middle of the night? Are there little droppings when you wake up in the morning? There are few things worse than discovering a family of mice and rats have moved in for the winter. Before dialling in the exterminator, there are a few DIY options available to try. Here are three ways to protect your home from rats and mice this season.


Do’s and Don’ts of Rodent Control

  • DO remove all rubbish, wood piles and food sources (ie pet food) from surrounding area.
  • DO act fast – rodents can multiply very quickly.
  • DO use gloves when using all products, human scent can deter rats and mice from engaging with traps and baits.
  • DON’T assume you only have one offender. Repeat. Repeat. Repeat.


It’s important to remember that rats and mice are scavengers, always on the hunt for food. Stop them in their snacks…errr…tracks by considering a comprehensive baiting strategy to your home. Designed to kill, rodenticides are scientifically modified baits that pack a poisonous punch. Baiting can be a rapid means of eradication; however, care needs to be taken when handling these substances. Ratsak Rapid Strike Dual Active Soft Bait uses two actives which combine for super fast, effective kill, and has an added attractant to increase bait consumption. 

Do’s and Don’ts of Baiting

  • DO use a lockable bait station to keep bait away from children and pets.
  • DO use gloves when handling baits.
  • DON’T use baiting outside of your home unless in a lockable bait station.


Traps are the most common way to rid your home of unwanted house guests. The traditional mouse trap uses a pedal based system. Once the lever is activated, the trap comes down with an almighty SNAP! While very dramatic, they can be quite trigger happy, going off untouched and if not captured correctly the mouse or rat can die very slowly or not at all. All in all, this style of mouse trap is not always sufficient and considered inhumane. If trapping is your preferred means of eradication, then opt for a device like RatSak FastKill that has Precision Strike Technology. Alternatively, Ratsak’s Catch & Hold Live Catch Mouse Trap can hold up to four live mice at a time.

Do’s and Don’ts of Traps

  • DO place trap at 90 degrees to the wall
  • DON’T over bait the trap. Too much bait can allow the rodent to steal the food without activating the trap.
  • DON’T use the wrong food. Rodents prefer foods with high protein and fat content.


If poison and traps are not suitable for you, there are many options available that repel rats and mice without causing harm to anyone or anything. Repellents act as a sensory barrier between your home and the impending guests. Devices like Ratsak Repel Ultrasonic Rodent Repeller, emit high-frequency sound waves to ward off mice and rats while repellent gels can assist in deterring rodents from chewing on wires or cables or getting into every nook and cranny.



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