
5 best ways to sell and earn money from your unwanted items

From trash to cash.
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One person’s trash is another person’s treasure is a phrase we all know, and in today’s world this could not be more true. From listing old furniture on a marketplace to selling old trinkets, you can make money from pretty much anything.


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With spring cleaning and decluttering now well and truly in motion, we have rounded up the best tips and tricks to help you sell your vintage treasures, collectables and anything else around the home that you don’t use or need.

Here are our top five ways to make money maximum profit from unwanted items around the house.

1. Quality over quantity

Selling things online doesn’t have to be beautifully curated. However, it shouldn’t be a garage sale either. Start off with choosing items in relatively good condition so you don’t overload your inventory and overwhelm shoppers.

2. Detailed descriptions

Make sure you cover all the essential details in each description but at the same time not overload the information. As a guide, key inclusions are: brand name, measurements and sizing, condition, material type, and unique details (e.g. embroidery or meshing). Clear and concise descriptions will reduce the number of questions asked by customers and increase the speed of sales.

3. Upload clear photos

Like the old saying, a picture is worth a thousand words – having good quality photos is vital to securing a sale. Avoid dark lighting, messy backgrounds and filters that can alter what the items look like in real life. If possible, having a consistent photography style is something to keep in mind as it builds trust among buyers, too.

4. Be on trend

Keep an eye out for what is currently trending. On resale sites like Depop, have a look at the explore page of other verified sellers to help you understand what is currently in demand or rising in popularity.

5. Offer bundle discounts

If you’re having a major clear out, you may be able to sell more items by offering bundle discounts. In the description of your items, mention that you’re willing to offer the items at a reduced rate if more than one item is purchased. This will lead the buyer to your profile and encourage them to have a further look around.

Top 5 tips for making money from unwanted items

Looking for some inspiration? Here are four classic items that are steady sellers

1. VHS tapes

Woman with VHS tape
(Credit: Getty)

Now is the time to check the back of your cupboards and drawers for those old video tapes from your childhood. Niche markets are on the rise all over the internet and collectors are searching far and wide for VHS tapes. While you might want to keep these for sentimental value, selling them can get you up to $10,000. Don’t fret it you only have DVDs, establishments will also pay good money for your first edition DVDs that you no longer need. 

2. Toys

Cabbage Patch doll
(Credit: Getty)

Kids always want the hottest toy of the season, and more often than not these toys are rarely used before the next big thing comes along. Selling toys in good condition on sites like Gumtree and Facebook Marketplace can give you a few more dollars that you didn’t have before. Not only will selling these toys help declutter your life, but it will make sure they are loved by someone else when they are no longer wanted in your home. It also pays to dig through your own box of childhood toys for sought-after collectables including original Cabbage Patch dolls, My Little Pony figurines, and Furbies.

3. Old school gadgets

Nintendo 64
(Credit: Getty)

Selling all of your old gadgets can now make you quite a lot of money. Nintendo 64s and PS2s are selling for upwards of $300 on sites such as Gumtree and Ebay with collectors paying even more for original remotes and games. This trend isn’t limited to gaming either, it applies to mobile phones as well. If you are one to replace your phone when a new edition comes out, odds are your old device is sitting in your wardrobe untouched. Selling old phones that still work can score you a few hundred dollars.

4. Upcycle your old furniture

Woman painting table
(Credit: Getty)

Upcycled furniture is not a new trend, however it is always a popular way to make some cash. With home trends constantly changing, people are always looking for the next piece to make their home stand out. Upcycling furniture may be a hobby for some, but is a business for others. Taking unwanted and unused items from our everyday lives and making them into works of art can be a great way to make some extra cash and even a living.

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