If you’ve ever needed an incentive to “spark joy” and declutter your kitchen cupboards, consider this: you could be sitting on a gold mine.
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If you own memorabilia from past decades including ’90s toys or even your old mum’s CorningWare cookware, you might want to consider getting them appraised.
According to antique experts, CorningWare cookware – the casseroles with the orange and yellow flowers – is highly collectable and worth thousands. In fact, one set of CorningWare fetched nearly $10,000 in a recent auction.
“One piece of CorningWare, in a pattern not widely produced, sold on eBay recently for $US7,000 (AUD$9.8k),” says glass expert Dean Six,“It was a 1970s product that fizzled.”

“Collecting is often what you remember, which is why this is big now because baby boomers are buying back what they grew up with. Boomers are decorating with these pieces in their homes.”
But not all CorningWare pieces are the same, and the rarer the floral pattern, the higher the value.
The Cornflower range, featuring a soft blue floral design, is the most common pattern and worth a lot of money. But less common patterns, like Wildflower (made from 1977 to 1984) and Floral Bouquet (made from 1971 to 1975) can fetch large sums on eBay.

CorningWare’s popularity has waned in recent years, but it’s making a comeback.
According to Dean Six, complete sets of CorningWare in mint condition are highly collectable.
Got your hands on a casserole or two? It’s worth getting a valuation from an antiques expert, or you could try your luck on eBay. Good luck!
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