
This is the easiest way to get wax out of carpet

In just 6 simple steps.
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There’s nothing better than lighting up a candle, sitting back on the sofa and reading your favourite magazine. But sometimes disaster strikes and the gorgeous candle you just lit up is all over the floor.


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How to get wax out of carpet

Gather your supplies

  • Dull knife
  • Vacuum
  • Iron
  • White cloths
  • Carpet cleaner

Here’s how

  1. Before you start picking and prodding your carpet, let it dry completely first. If you’re impatient and attempt to remove the wax while it’s still wet it will only spread it further. Allow the wax to cool and harden completely.
  2. Using a dull knife, carefully scrape off as much wax as you can.
  3. Grab your vacuum cleaner and go over the area with it to pick up any loose pieces of wax.
  4. Place a clean white cloth over the wax and use your iron on a low setting to melt the wax. The heat will cause the wax to transfer to the cloth.
  5. Once the wax has transferred to the cloth, start blotting the area with an additional clean cloth to remove any remaining residue.
  6. Is there still some wax left? You can use a carpet cleaner to remove it. Just remember to follow the instructions listed on the cleaner carefully.

Remember to always do a small patch test before testing any new cleaning solutions. Opt for a small, inconspicuous area before to ensure you don’t damage or discolour your carpet.

How to get wax out of carpet
(Credit: Getty) (Credit: Getty)

Remember to always do a small patch test before testing any new cleaning solutions. Opt for a small, inconspicuous area before to ensure you don’t damage or discolour your carpet.

How do you get candle wax out of carpet without an iron?

Follow the steps above, but when you get to step four, whip out your hair dryer instead.


How to get wax out of carpet with ice

If you don’t want to use heat, using ice is another option. Grab some ice cubes from your freezer,and apply it directly on to the wax until it hardens, then scrape away as much as you can with a knife. Then place a paper towel on top of the wax, and use a hairdryer to warm it. The paper towel should absorb the melting wax.

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