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October moon gardening horoscope

How the phases of the moon effect planting
Fabian Oelkers on Unsplash

Use the phases of the moon to your advantage by following Milton Black’s planting guide. 

moon gardening october

How to use the calendar

moon gardening

On these days, thin out seed boxes, sow all types of seeds and plant seedlings that produce their crop above the ground. These include all varieties of peas, beans, corn, cabbage, cauliflower, broccoli, brussels sprout, eggplant, lettuce, celery, silverbeet, spinach, endive, Chinese cabbage, tomato, cucumber, asparagus crowns, artichoke, marrow, pumpkin, capsicum, melon, zucchini, chicory, sprouts, rhubarb, all herbs (except garlic) and all agricultural crops, such as sunflower, grains, cereals, canola and cotton. During these days, you can also plant flowering shrubs, annuals, flowers (not bulbs), cactus, flax, tree ferns, passionfruit vines and kiwifruit. Plant all fruit trees and trees that produce edible nuts, such as almond, pecan, macadamia and walnut. Grapes and banana can also be planted during these times. Take cuttings from established trees and shrubs, and propagate. This is also a good time for planting trees and climbers and sowing new lawns.

moon gardening

On these days, sow all seeds and plant seedlings of root vegetables that grow their crop below the ground, such as carrot, parsnip, radish, beetroot, onion, leek, swede, turnip, sweet potato, seed potato, yam, cassava, peanut, garlic and ginger. This is a good time to plant flowering bulbs, or bulbs for propagation and development rather than flowers. Also, plant bare‐rooted trees, to develop root growth, and refurbish established lawns.

moon gardening

A favourable time for transplanting all types of established trees, shrubs, ferns and bulbs.

moon gardening

Weed and lightly feed. Water with seaweed‐type products only.

moon gardening

Destroy or spray weeds, pests and noxious growth. Burn off, cut lawns, do heavy pruning and clear rubbish – don’t plant or transplant anything. Prepare soil and fertilise garden beds for future planting; spread and make compost; feed all established plants, shrubs and lawns, then water in. This is the best time for dethatching or coring lawns.

moon gardening

Do not plant or transplant anything, as the moon is adversely aspected with the sun.

Zodiac signs

The 12 signs of the zodiac are divided into four groups – fire, air, earth and water.

Fire signs

Aries and Sagittarius are in harmony with all fruit. Leo is in harmony with nuts and all seed‐producing crops.

Earth signs

Capricorn and Taurus are in harmony with all root vegetables that produce crops below the ground, including garlic. Virgo is in harmony with all herbs.

Air signs

Libra, Aquarius and Gemini are in harmony with plants that produce flowers and perfumes.

Water signs

Cancer, Scorpio and Pisces are in harmony with above‐ground crops, including trees; shrubs; lawns; and leafy, juicy and fleshy vegetables.

Any questions? Email [email protected] or visit his website. 


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