A gentle, lingering visit to your local community garden or urban farm, or even just a quick squiz, can spark ideas for your own little vegie patch. If you’re limited space-wise, you might consider an upside-down hanging planter! Let your tomatoes hang low while herbs rise to the top.
WATCH: Melissa makes an upside-down tomato hanging plant
Gather your supplies
- ClydeGarden Alice Triangle hanging basket lined with coir matting
- Tomato plant
- Herbs such as thyme and parsley
- Hanging hook
You’ll also need
- Sharp scissors or knife
- Bucket
- Gloves
- Trowel
Step 1
Remove coir matting from basket and turn matting upside down.
Step 2
Cut a cross through the bottom of coir matting with sharp scissors or knife and push flaps inwards.
Step 3
Remove tomato plant from pot. Push plant through hole in coir matting from beneath so its leaves will hang down. Push back coir flaps to secure tomato plant in place, so it rests on the base of coir matting.
Step 4
Position matting back in hanging wire basket and let tomato plant dangle from bottom.
Step 5
Sit basket in an empty bucket, right way up.
Step 6
Wearing gloves, fill basket with quality tomato potting mix to a level about 10cm from top of basket.
Step 7
Dig wells in potting mix for your herbs, then plant and fill in mix.
Step 8
Water well and then hang basket right side up in a sunny spot.
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