
Women who own indoor plants are happier and live longer

A study that justifies our obsession with indoor plants!
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Indoor plants are the key to making any space feel stylish. From trailing Devil’s Ivy to peace lilies, cacti, fiddle-leaf figs and philodendrons, indoor plants have serious style cred in the interior design world, but that’s not all indoor plants have going for them.


Indoor plants are also scientifically proven to improve the air quality in the home, improve your mood, promote wellbeing and can even reduce physical pain. With that in mind, it makes sense to fill our homes with plants.

However, a new study has also confirmed that indoor plants can also make you happier and increase your life expectancy. Who knew!?

The Study

According to research conducted by Harvard University, women who grow their own indoor gardens have longer life expectancy and are happier than those who live a foliage-free life.

The study surveyed women who live in homes surrounded by vegetation for eight years, then compared their health to women who don’t. As it turns out, those living among the greenery had lower mortality rates and improved mental health.


So, there you have it. Money really can buy happiness, so long as you’re at the plant store.

Want to live longer and feel happier, but kill every plant you buy? Watch the video below to find 5 indoor plants that thrive on neglect!

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