While we get our fair share of spectacular sunsets here in Australia, it seems we don’t get the best sunsets in the world, according to a new study.
Eyewear specialist Lensbest conducted a study on where to see the best sunset in the world, and as the best sunset-viewing experience is often a subjective one, the company decided to ask those who had the most knowledge gained by visiting numerous spectacular locations around the world: travel journalists.
Lensbest sent travel journalists from 46 different countries a questionnaire that asked them to give their opinion on the best spot to view a sunset in both their home country, as well as in those they’d visited around the world. The journalists were also asked ‘Which season of the year do you think it’s best to watch a sunset in this spot?’.
More than 600 locations were nominated, and the answers were then compiled and refined using a score-based system into a final shortlist of the 100 best places to watch a sunset worldwide according to travel journalists.

“Some of the travel experts we consulted cited sunsets that they had viewed more than twenty years ago, which goes to show just how strong an impression those moments made. Every one of us is able to recall where and when we saw the most spectacular sunsets of our lives,” says Ling Fan-Montzka, Managing Director of Lensbest. “It’s our hope that this study serves as both a reminder of those memories, as well as travel inspiration for those looking for their next must-see sunset destination.”
As it turns out, a summer sunset in Santorini, Greece won the top spot with a score of 100, followed by Grand Canyon National Park, Arizona, USA with a score of 93.24, and sunsets in spring and summer in Mykonos, Greece came in third place with a score of 87.59.
The United States took out top spot as the best country to view sunsets, with 14 US locations making the top 100 list. The UK and Italy came in at second and third place, with each boasting 5 locations in the top 100 list. Unsurprisingly, summer was voted as the best time to view sunset, anywhere.
So, if you happen to love a good sunset, you better add a trip to Santorini to your bucket list.
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