Slow cookers are royalty when it comes to kitchen appliances. Some can be picked up for cheap, or you might get lucky and inherit one from a friend or family member.
If it’s the latter, make sure you look out for these four things before firing it up.
The cord is fabric-wrapped
If the cord to your slow cooker is wrapped in fabric, it’s safe to say the appliance is ancient and won’t meet safety standards. Chuck it. If your cord is intact and not covered with fabric, make sure you are storing it correctly.
There isn’t an insert
All the newer slow cooker models have a removable cooking pot, making this type safer and more convenient.
The lid is warped
If hot air can escape through the lid of your slow cooker, then cooking is futile as timing will be off resulting in spoiled food.
It’s not heating properly
There are many risks to your slow cooker not reaching its maximum internal temperature.
To test your slow cooker is working properly; fill it 2/3 to 3/4 of the way full of tepid water. Set to low and check the temperature with a thermometer after 8 hours. It should read at least 85 degrees.
Additionally, where you set up your slow cooker in the kitchen matters. For safer cooking, place the cooker on your stove top.