Putting the washing in the machine is the easy part. Hanging the clothes on the line isn’t so bad either.
WATCH: Adam Dovile shows you how to upgrade your laundry
It’s the part where you have to fold and put the clothes away I can’t bring myself to do often enough. Instead, the clean clothes pile up until everything we own is in washing baskets on the floor. Why is it so hard?
To help make laundry life a little bit easier, here’s a list of tips to help keep that huge mountain of laundry under control.
1. Do a load a day
If you’re a fan of the FlyLady cleaning method, then you’ll know she recommends putting on a load of washing a day to stop it from piling up. Obviously, washing every day isn’t for everyone, but we can see how it would keep the size of the washing piles down.

2. Establish a regular laundry routine
Choose specific days or times during the week for doing laundry. Stick to this schedule to ensure your clothes don’t accumulate and overflow onto your bed. Consistency is key!
3. Timing is everything
But so is timing. Make sure before you put on a load of washing you have time to dry it, and put it away. Otherwise it’s going to end up sitting either in the machine, on the line or a washing basket for a lot longer than you planned.
4. Fold or hang clothes immediately
Once your washing is done, don’t let it sit around in baskets. Take the time to fold or hang your clothes and put them away in their designated places. Avoid the temptation to dump them on your bed or any other surface either. That just makes it even more of a mess.

5. Wear things more than once before washing them
In fact, we bet that most of the clothes making it to the laundry could probably be worn again before washing. That’s where a handy in-between washing basket comes in. Try it and see.
6. Make your bed a ‘no clothes’ zone
Establish a rule that your bed is off-limits for placing clothes. Use your bed solely for sleeping and relaxation. This should hopefully discourage you from placing clothes on it, as it’s important to keep your sleeping area clean and free from clutter.

7. Simplify your wardrobe
Consider minimising your wardrobe by decluttering and donating clothes you no longer wear. The fewer clothes you own, the less washing you will have to do. Try this zero-effort for decluttering your clothes without the mess.