
Zero-effort method for decluttering your clothes without the mess

Avoid the mountain of clothes, and try this instead.
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Decluttering clothes usually involves taking everything you own, throwing it on the floor and spending hours deciding what you want to keep and what you want to get rid of.


WATCH: Juliet Love shows you how to make over an old wardrobe

While the end results feel very good, the process is long and painstaking.

But it doesn’t have to be that way. 

It turns out there is a quick and easy way to declutter your clothes sans creating a volcano of garments to sort. 

decluterring clothes in wardrobe
(Credit: Getty)

All you need to do is keep an empty basket in your wardrobe. Every time you go to wear something, but decide against it (for whatever reason), pop it in the basket. If you have clothes you aren’t wearing, you probably never will. 

When your basket is full, go through those clothing items and decide what you’ll keep and what you will donate or sell. It’s that easy. 

The best part is this method really works. 


As written here: “I sold and donated the clothing that I’d collected in the container without a second thought, and back in the closet the empty box went. I’ve continued this process for the last few months, and I’m happy to report that it works.”

Here’s how to get rid of your unsellable clothes

clothes hanging in awardrobe

Decluttering your wardrobe: tips

  • Have the right storage: Although storage products are completely optional when overhauling your wardrobe, they can make things easier. Here are two essential wardrobe storage items that make the biggest impact. 
  • Core 4 cleaning method: If you do need to overhaul your entire wardrobe or home, try the Core 4 cleaning method, which breaks down the task of decluttering into 4 easy steps: clear out, categorise, cut out, and contain.
  • Stop procrastinating: If organising your wardrobe feels overwhelming, try breaking the job into smaller tasks. Set aside 10 to 15 minutes every day to declutter and organise one drawer, one table, or one cupboard in a time frame that suits you. 

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