It’s bamboo and intended for the bathroom, but this duck board is one of the most hacked products at Kmart this year.
The duck board is only $16 and is designed to prevent slipping on a wet floor when you step out of the shower.

However, Kmart customers have been using it in their laundries for an entirely different purpose that’s just as useful (and cost-effective).
The Facebook group Kmart Mums has an impressive range of photos showing customised laundries around Australia. Since 2020, this bamboo duck board has been featured in many of them in an ingenious way.
For example, Victorian mother of two Claire Lambert shared how she uses the duck board across the sink to increase bench space in the laundry.

“I could easily bring washing in, fold and sort! It’s fantastic!” she said.
Karla Jarman admits that she got the idea “from other women posting [about] it on the Kmart Hack page.”

“I was leaving my washing powders and softeners in the sink because my laundry cupboard space was too small, so I saw this and decided [that it] would work well for me,” she said.
“It’s great being able to utilize the laundry tub space as storage space.
“It makes it quick and easy to access my washing powder and fabric softer and I can also leave my washing basket on top of it which is great considering we have a small unit.”
Kmart Mums member Tiana Conliffe agreed that the duck board extends bench space in the laundry.

“I thought it looked really nice and [it] hid my soaking bucket really well,” she said.
Perth grandmother Carol Hall explained that the duck board “made a big difference to an otherwise plan and boring laundry.”

“When I have visitors over I love them seeing my laundry and they always comment [on] how lovely it is.”
While Kmart sometimes discontinues products after a few years, this duck board is still available and popular for the laundry hack. As one reviewer wrote in 2024: “Like other reviewers here, I’m using this for the laundry tub hack, works a treat.”
The bamboo duck board is $16 at Kmart. You can also get a near identical version at Target for $16.