
6 mistakes everybody makes with haircare

A hairdresser weighs in.

Whether your tresses are your pride and joy or your mane of luscious locks drives you crazy, we can all agree that haircare is something high on the list of beauty maintenance for anyone who colour treats or heat-styles their hair.


There are lots of different theories on how to care for hair correctly, stimulate growth and maintain shine, but it’s hard to know which theories and genuinely true, and which have been cooked up by wannabe beauty influencers. Marilisa is the artistic director for Marc Anthony True Professional® haircare brand and she has identified the top six mistakes everybody makes with haircare.

1. Washing hair too often

“There are no hard and fast rules for washing your hair,” says Marilisa. “Unlike years ago, when shampoos had detergents as an ingredient mainstay, today’s formulation are much gentler and there are many wash extending products on the market that help reduce the need to wash. The reason we often discourage everyday washing is because the more you wash your hair the more natural oil manufacturing you trigger as your scalp reproduces the oil you just removed. Each one of us generally produces different amounts of oil, but can increase oil production when we wash each day.  Over washing is about oil control more so than damage.”

washing hair
(Credit: Getty)

2. Using the wrong products

“Haircare can often be a lot like skincare in the sense that you have to find the right kind of products that suit your hair type,” says Marilisa. “Unfortunately, there is no ‘one size fits all’ when it comes to haircare and the products you use should have a direct correlation to the look you want and your natural hair type.”


“Washing and conditioning should be making your natural hair look its best, so use a curl-enhancing shampoo (if you have curls) or frizz-removing shampoo (if you have frizz) for example. When it comes to stylers, the product used should be geared to the look you want when your hair is dry. That said a smoothing lotion may need to have heat for it to work its best. Follow the instructions for the best results.”

3. Drying your hair the wrong way 

“Most of us know that blow drying your hair too often isn’t good for the hair, and that blow drying your hair with a dryer that is too hot can cause a lot of damage to the hair. Heat should come from above. When you blow dry your hair, hold the dryer high enough so that it moves down the hair shaft. This ensures the cuticle does not open, which exposes it to the elements and frizz.”

“When you get out of the shower hair should be wrapped in a towel to remove extra water, when your hair is gently wrapped twist the towel slowly a couple of times. If you are drying your hair naturally ensure the product you are using is formulated for air drying. If you fuss your hair as it dries naturally is should only be to gently scrunch it.

hair mousse in hand
(Credit: Getty)

4. Going to bed with wet hair 

“Going to bed with wet hair can be incredibly damaging for hair. Hair is weaker when it’s wet, so add in the movements you might make while asleep, which can tangle and cause breakage, and you’ve got a recipe for disaster. It’s always best go to bed with dry hair by letting it dry naturally, and if you can’t avoid it, blow dry it on a low heat. If you need to head to bed the best thing you can do is to gently semi dry your hair then with a very loose scrunchie wrap it up high on your head.

5. Over using products

“The most common mistake made is by far the overuse of product. Over using product will make hair feel flat and dirty. The benefit of using less – besides the savings – is that you can add a bit more if needed without having to redo your hair.  When we say the size of a two-dollar coin or one-dollar coin, we mean height as well as the circumference.”

hair cut
(Credit: Getty)

6. Haircuts

“Do not try to grow your hair by skipping salon sessions. One of the hardest bits of a client growing their hair is trying to explain the ‘split end removal ratio’. If you do not get a trim every so often, even when you are growing your hair out, we end up cutting off more than we both want. You need a trim as soon as you see split ends, though that may vary from a month to months after your last cut. A hair that splits will continue to split, edging its way shorter as time progresses. Then we have to cut more off to even it all out.”


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