December is a time of parties and celebrations, spending time with friends and family. It’s also one of the most hectic months of the year thanks to the lead up to Christmas, Christmas Day, the Boxing Day sales and then New Years Eve. It’s easy to forget that a whole new year will soon be upon you. When you’ve finishing ringing in the New Year, it’s time to take stock of everything that matters to you: health, lifestyle, money and what you want to get out of the year ahead.
Take a proactive approach to your health this New Year and make all of your annual doctor appointments for January and February, so all your health checks are done and dusted early.
1. GP
See your GP at least once a year for an overall check-up and to query any issues that might be bothering you. It’s also an excellent time to ask your GP about people you can talk to about your mental health if you feel like you need help and support.
2. Gynaecologist
Visiting a gynaecologist once a year is an appointment that women shouldn’t skip. It’s an opportunity to get that pap smear, talk about birth control or falling pregnant, sexual health and breast exams.

3. Dermatologist
If you have fair skin, troublesome moles or have a family history of skin cancer, it’s important to book a dermatologist appointment once a year so they can give you a thorough look-over. A visit to the dermatologist once a year is also a good idea for sufferers of acne, dermatitis, eczema or psoriasis to talk about your current treatment and re-evaluate it.

4. Optometrist
It’s inexcusable to miss a visit to the optometrist once a year. Most optometrists in Australia bulk bill their eye health check fees, and an eye check-up can tell if your eye sight is in good condition, deteriorating, if you need to change glasses, or if you might be at risk of developing any eye-related issues.

5. Dentist
Although you should really be visiting your dentist once every six months for a clean and check-up, you should at least check in with your tooth doctor at least once a year, even if you aren’t experiencing any issues. A dentist will check your teeth over for general health, signs of grinding or other bad habits and cleanliness.
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