The end of the year is often filled with fun, food, family, friends and a seemingly endless supply of festive alcoholic beverages. However, before you plan a to have a big night on New Year’s Eve, there’s a new study you should read about, particularly if you hit the big 3-0 this year.
After conducting a national survey, Entity Health has discovered that people aged in their 30s suffer the worst hangovers of any age group. The same study also revealed that people in their 30s suffer more hangovers than any other group, with 23% of this age group reportedly being hungover at least once per week, while only 13% of 18 to 29-year-olds have a hangover once per week.
“The results indicate that drinking peaks in our thirties, and this may be a time in our lives when our bodies suffer the effects from excess alcohol more easily,” says Teri Lichtenstein, consulting dietitian at Entity Health.
So, if you’re planning to have a big party with fancy cocktails on New Year’s Eve, we have some suggestions for you.

Nicole Dynan, an accredited practising member of the Dietitians Association of Australia, has shared her advice for handling hangovers.
- Stay hydrated and drink before, during and after imbibing alcoholic drinks
- Eat before drinking anything alcoholic
- Try to consume only one standard drink per hour
- Aim to eat healthily before and after drinking, keeping in mind that eggs, salmon, chicken, yoghurt, bananas, spinach, avocado, potato, lentils and milk are all good for battling a hangover.
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