A recent report has found that in 2019 more than 50% of Australians are stressed about their finances, and 85% of Aussies report that financial stress is impacting their wellbeing. Another study conducted by HILDA found that diagnoses of depression and anxiety disorder have risen dramatically in Australia over the past eight years, making us more stressed, depressed and anxious than ever.
With that in mind, we’ve come up with a list of activities that are proven to reduce stress.
#1 Indoor gardening
According to a recent study published in the Journal of Physiological Anthropology, interacting with indoor plants, such as touching, smelling, replanting, can reduce physiological and psychological stress.
#2 Try to actively relax your muscles
Our body automatically responds to stress and anxiety by tensing up, which can cause muscle pain. One method to reduce muscle tension and stress is Progressive Muscle Relaxation. In PMR exercises, you tense up particular muscles and then relax them, and then you practise this technique consistently.

#3 Learn something new
A US study that analysed how to reduce stress in the workplace found that giving employees an opportunity to learn a new skill was more effective at reducing stress levels than simply having time to ‘relax’. Make time to join a class, upskill at work or even do some one-off weekend craft or art workshops.
#4 Exercise
Beyond Blue reports that any sort of exercise, be it walking, cycling, running, cricket or other such similar things, can help relieve tension and relax your mind. Why not join a social football, netball or indoor cricket team?
#5 Change your diet
Studies have shown that eating particular foods can improve your mood or decrease stress. Foods such as chicken, seeds, eggs, milk, beef, salmon, avocado, olive oil and wholegrains contain vitamins and minerals that can make you feel happier. Foods such as dark chocolate, leafy green vegetables, blueberries, oatmeal, almonds, and even the humble cup of tea have been proven to reduce stress.
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Want some tips on how to cope with stress at Christmas time? Watch the video below.