
How to cure a bad mood by eating the right food

Turns out eating really can make you happy!

As anyone who suffers from the ‘hangries’ will tell you, eating the right food can improve your mood immensely. For some, that’s eating comfort food, like your mum’s lasagne. For others, eating a healthy protein and nutrient-packed salad can boost energy levels and improve negative emotions. As it turns out, real science has proved a genuine link between what we eat and how we feel.


An Italian study conducted this year found that 94% of surveyed psychiatric patients had a vitamin D deficiency, suggesting that a higher intake of vitamin D could prevent mental illnesses, such as depression. Another survey of 46,000 people conducted in the UK this year found that healthy diets had a positive effect on mental health.

But what food should you be eating to truly get those mood-boosting benefits?

plate of salmon and salad
(Credit: Getty) (Credit: Getty)

1. Foods rich in Tryptophan

Tryptophan is an amino acid that can boost the happy hormones in your brain, more commonly known as serotonin. Add chicken, seeds, salmon and spinach to your diet.


2. Eat B vitamins

Foods such as dark leafy greens, eggs, milk, beef, legumes and even Vegemite are rich in B vitamins, which can influence your metabolism and energy, making you feel energised and positive.

3. Look for vitamin D

 Vitamin D is essential for your immune system, bones, muscles and nerves to work efficiently. Add salmon, herring, mackerel, eggs and fortified soy drinks or milks to your diet. Get some sun.

4. Stay hydrated

Letting your body become dehydrated can have a negative impact on your ability to concentrate, your energy levels and mood, making you cranky and thirsty.

5. Healthy fats

Healthy fats from sources such as avocado, olive oil, brazil nuts, cashews, almonds and oily fish can reduce inflammation and improve mood.


6. Wholegrains

Wholegrains such as brown bread, rice and pasta are fibre-rich and promote the growth of good gut bacteria that can have a positive effect on mental health, as can fermented foods such as yoghurt and sauerkraut.

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Want to know what you need to eat to boost your metabolism? Watch the video below. 

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