
Stylish outdoor update that won’t break the bank

Add cheerful colour with these brilliant ideas!
Andre Martin
Andre Martin

Take the party outside

Before you know it, spring will be here and you’ll want to start spending more time outdoors. Here’s a bit of colour inspiration to get you started! 

Andre Martin

Light up the night

For rustic appeal, turn a large preserving jar into a lantern housing a small pillar candle. To make a hanger for the jar, first make a collar of six plaited strings. Loop three long lengths of string around the collar to double them, plait the six strings, then divide the end in two. Wrap collar around rim, make a double knot, merging long string ends with collar plait ends. Trim and hang.

Andre Martin

Bold flower prints

Embrace the warmer weather with sunset colours and bold flower prints. 

Andre Martin

Boxing champion

Sturdy crates, painted to suit your setting. Raw timber crates, available online in many sizes, come up a treat when made over in luscious stripes. Sealed with two coats of gloss, they’re ready for duty.

Andre Martin

Talk of the table

Dual table runners under place settings add unique modern style.

Andre Martin

Tutti-frutti napkins

A little bit fancy, and so easy to make yourself, cloth napkins signal your colourful table is ready for a grown-up gathering. One metre of fabric makes a set of four, and can cost next to nix if you pick up your fabric on special.


Click here for Tutti-frutti napkins instructions. 

Andre Martin

It’s all in the detail, so make it pretty!

Did you know: the Orchid Pavilion Gathering was held in China in the 300s. It included a contest where wine cups were floated down a creek; if one stopped, the man closest to it had to drink and write a poem.


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