Put down your toxic cleaning supplies, take a deep breath, and get ready to start cleaning chemical-free.
It’s actually surprisingly easy to make your own chemical free mould killer and cleaning products for your kitchen and bathroom. These products will not only have your home sparkling clean but smelling wonderful as well, with not a chemical nasty to be seen or smelt!

1. How to make a natural mould remover spray

Don’t reach for the bleach next time you see mould. Instead, make this mould remover spray that only requires five ingredients to make a safe cleaner that kills the mould spores.
2. How to make a bicarb scrub to clean your sink, bathtub, stovetop and more

Make this all-purpose scrub to clean your sink, bathtub, shower, stovetop and burned pots and pans, using just two ingredients. It doesn’t get easier than that. Click here for the how to
3. DIY degreaser

Make a spray that you can use as a degreaser but also to clean your countertops, inside the fridge and the stovetop. Pour 13/4 cups distilled water into a glass spray bottle. Add 2 tablespoons Castile soap and 20 drops of orange essential oil. Shake well before use.
4. DIY glass cleaning spray

Create a cleaner that quickly evaporates for sparkling glass. You can also use it on oven doors, and ceramic and chrome surfaces. Combine 1 cup rubbing alcohol, 1 cup water and 1 tablespoon vinegar in a glass jug, then pour into a glass spray bottle. Shake well before use.
5. DIY air freshner

Cut citrus fruit in half, scoop out all the flesh, fill rinds with sea-salt flakes, add mint or basil leaves and position in a spot to absorb bad odours. Keep out of reach of kids and pets, and replace after a week.
5. DIY aromatherapy

Tie a bundle of eucalyptus branches with twine and hang in your shower in a spot where it won’t be hit by much water. The steam releases the oils in the leaves for a fresh, soothing scent. Leave for up to a week.
5. DIY moth repellant

Fill small calico bags with mixed dried herbs and flowers such as lavender, thyme, cloves, rosemary, bay leaves, ginger, black pepper or cedar chips. Tuck into drawers or attach to clothes hangers to repel moths.
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