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How to grow capsicum

Slow and steady wins the race with capsicum.
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If you know how to grow a tomato, then you’ve got capsicums covered – they are in the same family, so you can treat them the same way.


Watch: How to create a veggie patch for kids

Capsicums are summer annuals that grow and die off once the weather turns cold. However, a capsicum plant is typically capable of producing fruit continuously throughout the growing season under optimal conditions. Regular harvesting of ripe fruit can also encourage capsicum plants to continue flowering and setting new fruit.

While some people might be able to keep them alive indoors during winter, it is best to replant them yearly. 

How to grow capsicum

Kevin Parker, a senior horticulturist at The Greenery Garden and Home says the trick to growing capsicum is to plant them at the right time. 


“Everyone is keen to get their summer vegetables in. But if you plant them too early, and then you get a cold night, it will kill the new plants. 

“I don’t tend to plant tomatoes or capsicum until probably late October because you know the weather has set in, and it’s warm. Some people have greenhouses to grow summer veggies early, and that’s fine, and they will grow quite well.”

(Credit: Getty)

How to plant capsicum

To grow capsicum from seeds, sow seeds about 1 cm deep in single containers and water them. Keep the seedlings outside during the day and inside at night. They do not tolerate any frost. 


Once they are about 10 cm tall and the weather is consistently over 20 degrees, you can plant in a nice sunny spot in your garden.

how to grow capsicum
(Credit: Getty)

How long does capsicum take to grow?

Some patience is required when growing capsicum. It’s a slow-growing plant which can take up to 3 months to grow, but it’s worth the wait. If you’re wanting to speed up the process, remember capsicum plants still have a natural growth cycle that cannot be significantly accelerated. Providing optimal care and conditions will give your capsicum plants the best chance for healthy growth and a bountiful harvest.

Do you need a trellis for capsicum?

While trellising is not typically necessary for capsicum plants, you can provide support in various ways if you feel it’s beneficial for your specific growing conditions and the size of your plants. Options include using stakes, cages, or other support structures to help keep the plants upright and stable.


How to care for capsicum


Capsicum loves the sun and needs at least 6 to 8 hours of direct sunlight daily to grow and produce fruit successfully.


Zone 1: plant October – December


Zone 2: plant August – November

Zone 3: plant August – March

Zone 4: Any time

Get the key to climate zones here



Capsicum doesn’t like wet soil. They need to be a potting mix if you plant them in a pot.


After planting your capsicum in the garden, it will need watering a couple of times a week for the first month. After that, you can water your capsicum deeply but less often (about once a week) to encourage stronger roots.



As well as planting at the right time, the trick to growing capsicum is to feed them.

“To encourage better size capsicum, you need to feed them regularly. Use either a liquid or dry fertiliser. You need to keep feeding them,” says Kevin. 

Here’s how to make your own plant fertiliser at home.



Capsicum is sometimes prone to getting caterpillars on the leaves in the summer, like tomatoes.

Keep an eye on the plant and pull off the caterpillars when you see them if you’ve got a keen eye. Here’s how to keep caterpillars out of your garden.

capsicum bowl growing capsicum

What’s the difference between red and green capsicum?

The main difference between a green and red capsicum is the red capsicum has been left on the plant longer.

“When you go into a fruit shop, and you buy a green or a red capsicum, the red has been harvested later off the same type of plant, making it sweeter,” says Kevin.

How to grow capsicum in pots

Capsicum can be grown in larger pots. However, they prefer to be planted in the ground of your veggie patch. 

Kevin says, “If you plant them in a pot, they must be a potting mix, and the pot must have holes for drainage.”


Companion plants for capsicum



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