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You’re dunking your biscuits wrong

Here's how to avoid a soggy disaster.
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It’s International Biscuit Day on May 29, so if there is one day that you should master the art of biscuit dunking, it’s today!


WATCH: How to make butter biscuits

What’s your favourite biscuit to serve with a cup of tea? Is it the classic Iced VoVo or do you prefer a plain yet sweet biscuit? Whatever your bickie of choice may be, there’s a high chance that you’ve been dipping it wrong all these years.

how to dunk a biscuit in tea
(Credit: Getty) (Credit: Getty)

According to local scientist Dr Len Fisher, one-in-five biscuit dunks end in soggy disaster!

So to help combat the issue, Yorkshire Tea’s Leading Tea Expert and Senior Tea Buyer, Suzy Garraghan, offers three top tips for success with every dunk.


Expert tips for biscuit dunking

  1. Choose the appropriate vessel. A wide brimmed cup or mug is recommended as you should dunk the biscuit horizontally so only one side of the biscuit gets soaked.
  2. It’s a game against the clock. Never dunk for less than two seconds to ensure the biscuit soaks up some tea, but don’t dunk for more than five seconds, or you’ll lose it. A general rule of thumb is that the hotter the tea, the quicker the biscuit will dissolve.   
  3. Temperature for dunking will vary dependent on your cookie. For example biscuits drizzled with chocolate will melt fast, so keep that in mind before your bickie collapses in your tea.

Suzy reccommends for:

Ginger Nut biscuits: 3 to 5 seconds, this pick can be dipped multiple times. 

Tim Tam or a Choc Ripple: 2 to 3 seconds as these varieties are less solid and will dissolve and make a mess faster.

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