Spread 1 side of wholemeal bread with butter. Top with ham and white bread. Using a small sharp knife, cut outline of grand piano lid (see image, above) in sandwich, leaving front edge with crust on. Remove white slice and set aside.
Cut a 1.5cm-wide strip from cheese. Position along crust edge of wholemeal slice to make a keyboard.
Put cucumber cubes on a serving plate, in position to form piano legs
(2 at front and 1 at rear). Sit wholemeal slice (with cheese and ham) on cucumber. Cut a 2cm-wide strip from crust edge of white bread, then remove and discard crust. Cut a 1.5cm strip from 2cm strip and position this piece behind cheese (discard remaining bread). Position piano-shaped white bread on ham and prop up with carrot to create lid.
Arrange chives on cheese to make keys and serve.
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