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Happy little caterpillar

If there’s ever been an excuse to play with food, this is it!
Andre Martin




Spread 1 side of each slice of bread with butter. Spread buttered side of 3 of the slices with olive tapenade and top each with 2 pastrami slices. Top each with another buttered slice to make 3 sandwiches.


Using a 6cm round biscuit cutter, cut 2 discs from each sandwich. Arrange in a row, standing upright, on a serving plate to form body  (you may need to thread rounds onto toothpicks to secure together).


Slice a few 2cm-thick slices from cucumber. Quarter each slice into triangles to make caterpillar feet and position along sides of sandwich discs.


Using a mini melon baller, scoop out 2 holes in tomato to form eye sockets. Scoop balls of light flesh from the cucumber and insert them into the holes to make eyes. Using a small sharp knife, cut out a mouth from tomato and fill with a slice of white flesh from the cucumber.


Using a small, sharp knife, make 2 incisions in top of tomato for antennae. Cut 2 thin strips from cucumber skin to make antennae. Insert into incisions. Position tomato at 1 end of sandwich discs. Add a little rocket to serve.

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