No home is complete without a pet dog, and science has proven several times over that owning a dog is good for your mental and physical health.
WATCH: Meet the dogs at the Australian Working Dog rescue centre
Aside from being loyal and adorable, pet dogs are good for the mind, body and soul. Studies have shown that dog owners are happier, and that dog owners tend to be healthier. In fact, even just patting a dog for 10 minutes can reduce your stress and anxiety levels.
A study published in the Journal of the International Society of Anthrozoology has found that woman actually sleep better when they have a dog sleeping beside them. In fact, the study found that the quality of sleep is even better than when women sleep beside their partner, or with a cat on the bed.
The researchers surveyed 962 women in the U.S., analysing the relationship between human sleep and pet ownership. Fifty-five percent of participants shared their bed with at least one dog and 31% with at least one cat. In addition, 57% of participants shared their bed with a human partner.

The report found that dog owners had earlier bedtimes and wake times than individuals who had cats but no dogs. The study also revealed that, when compared with human bed partners, dogs who slept in the owner’s bed were perceived to disturb sleep less and were associated with stronger feelings of comfort and security.
Interestingly, cats who slept in their owner’s bed were reported to be equally as disruptive as human partners, and were associated with weaker feelings of comfort and security than both human and dog bed partners.
Just another scientifically-backed reason to adopt a dog!