
4 travel hacks to keep your jewellery tangle free

Top tips from a jewellery designer

There’s no greater feeling than packing up your suitcase and getting ready for a well-earned holiday. And for those who like a little sparkle with our holiday outfits, it’s absolutely essential to pack a few key pieces of jewellery.


However, jewellery packed into a suitcase, toiletries bag or stuffed into a small side-pocket doesn’t always arrive in the same condition it was packed. In fact, I’m sure many a disappointed traveller has sacrificed a tangled mess of a necklace to a suitcase. But never fear, jewellery designer Zoë Alexandria is here, and she has all the best tips for keeping your precious jewels in tip-top condition no matter how often you travel.

“These are my fail safe hacks that will survive even the most aggressive baggage handlers,” says the designer and owner of Zoë Alexandria Jewellery.


Necklaces are the first things to tangle when left unsupervised in luggage, so Zoë suggests this hack using a straw.

“Loop each necklace through a straw and fasten the clasp. Although this may take up extra space, it means your precious items will arrive just the way you left. Another option is to hang a bit of the chain outside a drawstring pouch, and then close the drawstring shut. If they don’t have a drawstring pouch then do the same with a snap lock bag, and again, hang a bit of the chain outside the bag and seal it shut. If  you’ve already got a tangled necklace, use a safety pin to help untangle it.”



“Bracelets and anklets are probably the second most problematic items when it comes to travelling. Roll a hand towel in a cylindrical shape and fasten bracelets around it. Next, gently fold the hand towel and place it in a snap lock bag and fasten the seal.”


“Earrings can be easily stored using a stiff piece of pierced cardboard. Make tiny holes in the cardboard for the back of each earring and then once all earrings are fixed in place, insert the cardboard into a small bag.”



“If you don’t have a jewellery roll, rings can be stored a little easier in a material bag or worst case, a snap lock bag. Just ensure that there are no other items that it can tangle up with and don’t expose it to any moisture.”

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