
What does your pup’s zodiac sign say about their personality?

Plus the perfect gift to match their mood!
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Whether you’ve got a Maltese pup or an old Great Dane, a dog’s star sign can tell a lot about their personality…


Watch: How to take amazing photos of your dog

As the new year is well under way, many people are looking to the stars to see how they’ll adapt and succeed throughout 2024. Looking at your own horoscope is a great exercise in forward-thinking, but did you know you can actually study your dog’s chart as well? 

Petstock ambassador and pet behaviourist Lara Shannon has set out to define all of the defining qualities for each doggy star sign. 

She recommends including your four-legged friends in the astrological festivities and planning that are part of the new year, and even base some of your upcoming presents on their chart (Valentine’s day is nearly here!).

Let’s take a look at each dog zodiac and work out how to please your pooch, constellation style!

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Pet horoscopes for dogs

Aries (March 21 – April 20):

Petstock explains that Aries are the natural leaders due to being the first sign of the zodiac.

“Their curious nature brings out a playful energy with a desire for action and excitement. They are courageous adventure seekers that love exploring their surroundings and having activities that stimulate their minds.” 

This makes them the perfect match for adventurous and curiosity-seeking owners. 


Taurus (April 21 – May 20):

“If continuous cuddles from your furry friend sounds like your perfect match, then you may find yourself with a Taurus.”

Since they’re an earth sign, a Taurus pet will be grounded, patient and have a deep love of nature. Since they are very fixed in their ways, Petstock explains that your pooch may be a little stubborn and won’t like change in routine or surroundings. 

“They will love nothing more than a night spent cuddled up with their owner with plenty of snacks and treats.”

Gemini (May 21 – June 20):

Just like Gemini humans, Gemini pets are friendly, love to communicate and thrive in


social situations. Petstock says that “their curiosity, playful personality and intelligence brings out an enthusiasm to try new things, and are always on the move searching for their next adventure.” 

Of course, being a twin sign means quick personality changes, from calm to buzzing so watch out for those zoomies!

Cancer (June 21 – July 22):

“Motivated by emotion, the Cancer sign is sensitive, empathetic and loyal.” Petstock states that Cancer puppies are intuitive and able to build strong connections, making them the perfect dependable best friend. 

Since they can get overwhelmed by overstimulation, such as loud noises or busy environments, the best way to care for your dog is by surrounding them with people they love. 


Leo (July 23 – August 22):

It’s no surprise that pet Leos are the same as human ones and love being the centre of attention. Petstock tells us that they were born to rule and shine, meaning ‘they exude confidence that brings out a warm and powerful personality.’ 

With playfulness and charisma being their top traits, your pooch will thrive in a household that showers them with love and admiration. Treat them like royalty and in return feel like a king!

Virgo (August 23 – September 22):

Petstock describes Virgos pets as “incredibly observant, detail oriented and intelligent.’ They love to feel accomplished, are hardworking and dedicated to impressing their owners.” 

Structured environments are the way to go with a Virgo puppy, as they do best with a rigid daily routine. 


Petstock also assures us that “they are extremely loyal and protective of their family, their attention to detail ensures nothing goes unnoticed making them great service animals.”

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Libra (September 23 – October 22):

The sign of harmony, Libra pets are ‘known for their companionship and dedication to their family.’

Petstock describes a Libra as having a natural desire to create loving connections with everyone, including pets and humans. This means that they love to play and socialise, but also thrive when in calm and peaceful surroundings. 


Scorpio (October 23 – November 22):

Full of passion and curiosity, Scorpio pets have an intuitive sense of knowing what you want and need before you even know. Similar to human Scorpios, your pet loves a bit of alone time sometimes, but having loved ones around is their favourite above all else. 

As Petstock explains, “when the trust has been built you can rest assured that you have a loyal and dedicated companion for life.”

Sagittarius (November 23 – December 21):

Petstock tells us that “Sagittarius is associated with adaptability and exploration. Pets born under this sign have a desire for adventure and crave any opportunity to be outside to roam and discover new surroundings as they can feel anxious when kept inside.” 

They are friendly, energetic and have plenty of personality! This makes them the perfect travel companion. 


Capricorn (December 22 – January 19):

Capricorn is an earth sign and is considered to be one of the most grounded signs of the zodiac. Petstock says that “Pets born under the Capricorn zodiac sign are calm, disciplined, reliable and hardworking. 

They’ll thrive in structured environments with a consistent routine, and enjoy taking on the responsibility of looking out for their family.

Aquarius (January 20 – February 19):

Uniqueness is the key trait of an Aquarius. As Petstock confirms, “They’re eccentric and freedom-oriented and enjoy spending time on their own to explore the world around them and are always up for a challenge or puzzle that stimulates their minds.” 

And while they love their independence, cuddles are still their favourite!


Pisces (February 20 – March 20):

“Empathetic, compassionate, gentle and loyal are just a few of the traits that you may find

in your pet if they’re born under the Pisces sign.” 

According to Petstock, feeling settled at home is when a Pisces is at their happiest, so make sure their designated spot is comfy and cosy. Since they can be very sensitive to the moods of others around them, they also make great therapy dogs.

After all the horoscopes have been read, let’s see what kinds of goodies will best suit your pet and their personality: 

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The top three zodiac-based gifts for your dog

Laura Shannon has given us a multitude of gifts, just in time for Valentine’s day, to show your pooch a bit of love. Catered towards each personality from astrology, we’ve picked our top three favourites: 

For the adventure seeker


Buddy & Belle dog harness in bottle green, $29.92, Petstock


For the adventurer, such as an Aries or Sagittarius, this harness will keep them in check but also let them run wild when they want. With an accessible side release buckle and sturdy webbing material, this harness will make your pooch look stylish and sensible!

For the sensitive and safe


Lexi & Me dog cuddle blanket in arctic grey, $29.73, Petstock

Who doesn’t love a good cuddle with their puppy? This fluff masterpiece is the perfect size for you four-legged friend, and they’ll thank you a million times over that you’ve given them something so soft to lie on. 


This one works wonders for Taurus, Cancer and even an Aquarius. 

For the romantic


Melanie Newman everyday dog cologne (250ml), $27.18, Petstock

Make your dog smell oh so good, both for your own benefit and to make them the little Romeo they dream to be! Great for sociable dogs like Libra that don’t want to be avoided in the park due to bad smells or a stinky coat.


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