
People who hit the snooze button are smarter than those who don’t

Sleeping later makes you a smart cookie.

There’s nothing more luxurious than not setting an alarm to wake you up in the morning. And as anyone who loves their bed can attest, hitting that snooze button for a few more minutes of blissful sleep is worth the hectic rush to get ready that follows.


In fact, a new British study called Why Night Owls Are More Intelligent has found that people who hit their snooze button a couple of times every morning are actually more creative and happier than those who jump out of bed at the first ring.

Science has found a link between people who regularly hit the snooze button, and people who have intelligence, creativity and independent spirit. Basically, the study hypothesises that if you have learnt to listen to your body’s needs rather than living your life according to a clock, you’re more likely to pursue personal passion projects, and be more able to solve problems as they arise.

hitting alarm clock
(Credit: Getty)

Another study by Southampton University found that people who slept later – going to bed after 11pm and waking after 8am – had higher incomes and more comfortable lifestyles than those who slept and woke early.


A third study has also found that people who get more sleep are able to regulate their emotions better than those who lack sleep, while a fourth study published in the journal Sleep Research found that people who sleep in longer may live longer.

Next time someone gives you a hard time about loving a sleep-in, just remind them that you’re probably smarter, happier and going to live longer than them anyway!

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