It’s a staple in many kitchens, but where you store your olive oil could be causing it to go off.
In fact, keeping it next to (or near) your stove could cause the flavour to change.
According to Good Housekeeping olive oil that is kept in warm, well-lit places could develop a “mustier” flavour.
Instead, find a cool, dark place to store your oil while you aren’t using it – and make sure the lid is screwed on tightly.
How long does olive oil last?
Another common misconception is that olive lasts a long time.
This is the case. Once opened a bottle of olive oil should be used in a couple of months. An unopened bottle, however, can last up to two years – as long as it’s stored correctly.
If all this talk of olive oil has got you in the mood for some baking, try the following recipes.
Olive oil, lemon and pistachio cake
Olive oil tea cake
Olive oil and garlic toast
For more great recipes pick up a copy of the March issue of Better Homes and Gardens.