
How to clean your shaggy rug

Follow these steps to keep your rug nice and clean.
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With the amount of foot traffic your fluffy rugs get it’s no wonder they wind up full of dirt.


It goes without saying that the better care you take of your rug, the longer it will last.

Follow these steps to keep your shaggy or sheepskin rug nice and clean. 

How to clean a sheepskin rug
  • Fill a bath with cold or lukewarm water (hot water will cause the item to shrink) and add some sheepskin or wool detergent. Make the sure the detergent is non-alkaline and contains no biological enzymes. Steer clear of fabric softeners too.
  • Place the rug in the bath and move around to loosen any dirt. Rinse twice, removing all the detergent.
  • Give the rug a squeeze, trying to remove as much excess water as possible.
  • Dry flat on a towel, away from direct sunlight.
  • Using a metal brush, brush the wool three times. Once while damp, another while drying and then once it has dried.

How to clean a shaggy rug 

  • Give it a good shake outside to get rid of any excess dirt.
  • Vacuum using an upholstery attachment to avoid sucking up bits of your rug.
  • Try a dry carpet shampoo, following the instructions carefully.
  • Alternatively, fill a bath with four parts cold water and one part delicate laundry liquid and soak the rug for half an hour.
  • Rinse out any detergent and squeeze.
  • Dry the rug flat away from direct sunlight.

H/T: Cleanpedia

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