How to make your air conditioner cheaper to run in winter

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There are two types of people in the world: those who run warm and don’t feel the cold all that much and those who are freezing all the time. 

WATCH: Charlie and Adam’s outdoor winter heating options

If you are the latter, there’s a good chance you’ve been turning to your faithful air conditioner to keep you warm this winter. 

Now, we know the air conditioner setting that will save you money during winter, but there’s another tiny task you should regularly do so your aircon runs more efficiently and saves your money. 

Andre Morrisby is the general manager of an air-conditioning business in Hobart, Tasmania. He told ABC Radio Hobart’s Leon Compton, “The filter is probably the one thing that you need to take care of.” 

“The more debris that builds up on [the filter], the less air gets through it and the more expensive your system will be to run.”

“It’s like trying to suck air through a piece of carpet,” he says.

clenaing air conditioner filter
(Credit: Getty)

So how often should you clean your filter?

“If you clean [the filters] regularly, every two to three weeks, depending on your home… it will increase the efficiency, make the machine run better, and you will be warmer,” says Andre.

However, if you’re like Andre and have 5 children, you might need to do it more frequently. 

How to clean an air conditioner filter

Open the lid on your unit (or unscrew the cover) and see a dust filter that can be easily removed. If the filter is clogged, the machine has to work harder to heat or cool your home, ultimately costing you more money. 

  • Once you’ve removed your filter, take it outside for a good shake.
  • Grab your vacuum and remove as much grime as you can.
  • If the filter is still dirty, you may need to rinse it with water. If the dirt still can’t be removed, soak it in lukewarm water. You can use a mild diluted detergent if needed. 
  • Dry thoroughly before returning to your machine.

Here’s more information on how to deep clean your air conditioner. 

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