
How to survive the day when you’ve had no sleep

How to recover from a bad night’s sleep – quickly!

Despite our best efforts, getting a full night of high-quality sleep can sometimes elude us. Whether it was a hectic schedule, stress, snoring, sick kids or your own late-night adventures that kept you awake – there’s no denying that going to work without sleep can be a real challenge. However, there are a few things you can do to help you make it through the day and function effectively.


1. Don’t hit snooze

If you’re tempted to hit the snooze button on the alarm, don’t. A couple extra minutes of light sleep won’t make you feel better, but studies say it may make you feel groggier.

2. Have a cold shower

Studies say that a cold shower can make you feel more alert, as it can increase your heartbeat, elevate your blood pressure and elevate your respiratory rate.

3. Get some sun

Expose yourself to some sunlight early in the morning to cue your body to suppress the production of melatonin – the hormone that makes you sleepy. This can help boost your mood and make you feel more alert.

tired woman
(Credit: Getty) (Credit: Getty)

4. Take the stairs

Physical activity can do wonders not only for your health and your wellbeing, but a study found that 10 minutes climbing the stairs can actually give you more energy, release endorphins and make you feel more alert than caffeine.

5. Coffee

While many people will reach for coffee to wake them up – you need to be strategic about when you drink it. If you’re feeling nervous, caffeine can exacerbate the emotion – so steer clear if you’re already on edge. Drink coffee early in the day to help keep you on task, but not in the afternoon – as this can have a negative effect on your sleep that night.

6. Stay hydrated

Studies have found that poor sleep can also sometimes lead to poor hydration – which will make you feel worse. Start drinking water in the morning and keep it up all day.

7. Choose your food carefully

Foods that are high in healthy proteins and wholegrains will keep you up and at ‘em all day – so try eggs, avocado, chicken and wholegrain bread.


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Looking for some hacks to help you get a better sleep? Watch the video below. 

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