Don’t let yourself look back in 10 or 15 years’ time and wish you had gotten off your backside and done things differently. These five things are potentially life changing so do yourself a favour.
1. Move your body
Active people are happier and healthier so get moving. Go for a daily walk, even if it’s around the house or the block and increase the distance over time. The more sedentary you are now the harder it will be to get about in years to come. Stop making excuses. The more you move the greater the benefits will be.
2. Stand up tall
Good posture puts less strain on the body. Slouching is a bad habit that can lead to bigger problems. If you can’t stand against a wall and have your backside, shoulders and the back of your head all touching your posture needs help. Be aware of your posture and walk tall. It might take a bit of retraining but eventually it will feel natural.

3. Better balance
If your balance isn’t great it needs work. Why, because if you’re thrown off balance and are not able to right yourself, you could have a fall. Pilates helps people of all ages build strength and balance, so join a local group. Meanwhile stand on one leg and lift the other leg just off the ground. Hold for 10-15 seconds then swap.
4. Eat a variety
What you eat and how much you eat both have an impact on how you look and feel. No news there, but variety is important, especially lots of plant based foods. Eating a variety of foods also increases your chances of having a diet rich in all the essential building blocks you need for good health.
5. Seize the day
Live with gratitude. Living in the past can cause sadness and regret, and yes memories are precious but don’t let them hold you back. Look for new challenges. Keep them small initially to avoid causing unnecessary stress. Do things that make you feel invigorated mentally and physically. Enjoy life and have no regrets.
N.B. Always talk to you doctor before changing lifestyle habits.
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