Learning to knit has many benefits, but the main thing to remember is it’s fun!
An essential stitch you need to learn is the knit stitch. Follow our 4 step-by-step instructions for beginners, and you will master the knit stitch in no time.
How to start a knitting stitch
When starting as a knitter, the first stitch you will learn is the knit stitch. It’s one of the easiest knitting stitches and appears in almost every knitting pattern. If you see the term ‘k1’ in a pattern, this means to knit 1.
What does a knit stitch look like?
The knit stitch looks like a little V. If you’re knitting every row in a knit stitch, this is called knitting in a garter stitch.
Once you have mastered the knit stitch, you can move on to the purl stitch (p).
How to cast on knitting
Before you start knitting, you need the right knitting needles, and you must learn how to cast on. Here are the methods for casting on:
Both have different benefits but are very easy to master.
How to knit a stitch in four easy steps
Follow our simple steps to make the most important stitch you’ll learn.

Hold the needle with the stitches on it in your left hand. Keeping the yarn in your right hand and at the back of your work, insert the point of the right-hand needle up into the front loop of the first stitch, as shown.

Now wind the yarn anticlockwise around the point of the right-hand needle using your index finger. It’s important to keep the yarn in your right hand relatively taut to maintain an even tension as you go.

Bring the right-hand needle down through the loop, making sure that you catch the yarn you wound around the needle. This creates the stitch. Don’t pull the free yarn too tightly – let out some slack.

Push the point of the right needle further through the stitch you created, then gently pull the right needle up and to your left, taking the original loop with it. You’ve now created one knit stitch.
Repeat Steps 1-4 across the row.
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