There’s one thing people are obsessing over at the moment: their lawn.
Everyone wants nice grass, but which type is best? A quick scroll through the Australian Lawn Fanatics Facebook page reveals TifTuf as a top contender, with one person describing it as the “softest” grass they’ve ever felt.
“I saw the new TifTuf lawn at a garden show in Melbourne the other week. Does anyone have it? It was the softest grass I’ve ever felt and the guy reckoned it was very hardy,” they wrote.
According to Lawn Solutions Australia, TifTuf Bermuda is the product of almost 25 years of research and development from one of the worlds leading turf grass breeders, the University of Georgia.
Additionally, “It has a very fine leaf blade with dense growth, making it ideal for a wide variety of applications.”
The response towards the grass has been mostly positive in the Facebook group, with one person dubbing it as the new Sir Walter.
Speaking to Better Homes and Gardens, John Atkins from Atkin’s Gardening Services, said TifTuf is a popular choice but there’s another type of grass to look out for.
“There’s one called Sir Grange which will be the best of the best, once it comes down in price,” said John.
Described as the new ‘star player’ in the Aussie turf market, the reason behind the expensive price point is supply and demand.
“There are only a few places growing it, as it’s being released slowly. It’s shade, drought and wearing resistant, slow growing and has a fine leaf,” explained John.
As for TifTuf, John says it has a four-star rating and is probably the best value for money right now.
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