A hole in your favourite t-shirt doesn’t have to ruin your day, not when you can easily fix it.
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Armed with either an iron or a starter sewing kit, you can easily repair small holes and make all your wardrobe staples as good as new.
Before you learn how to stitch up a tiny hole before it grows any bigger, it can be handy to know what causes tears in T-shirts.
Two commonly accepted beliefs name the seat belt and the kitchen bench top as the culprits. Friction from your shirt rubbing against these two surfaces can lead to a quicker decline in quality.
To avoid this, simply pop an apron on in the kitchen and tuck your T-shirt in when you hop in the car.

Here’s how
Technique one – No sew option
Step 1 Lay parchment paper on ironing board.
Step 2 Turn T-shirt inside out and put on top of parchment paper on ironing board.
Step 3 Use fingers to bring edges together. The smaller the better.
Step 4 Cut a small piece of fusible bonding web and position over hole.
Step 5 Position a slightly bigger piece of lightweight cut-away sewing stabiliser on top.
Step 6 Place a pressed cloth on top and dampen with a spray bottle.
Step 7 Heat iron on wool setting and once ready, press down on top. Leave for 10 seconds.
Step 8 Flip shirt to right side and repeat steps above.
Technique two – Sew
Step 1 Turn T-shirt inside out.
Step 2 Using a matching colour, grab a few strands at the end of the hole and thread needle through.
Step 3 Grab a few strands on opposite side of hole and gently bring them together.
Step 4 Repeat this process by threading needle from side to side until complete.
Step 5 This technique will create a slight ridge, so gently massage to help flatten.