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The secrets to a super-organised family

A pro organiser reveals her best secrets

Getting organised with kids is all about establishing the right habits and following a routine. Pro-organiser Rachel Rosenthal of Rachel and Company reveals the secrets to staying organised. 


Have a permanent charity box

“Designate a donation spot in each of your kids’ closets for outgrown clothes and in your garage or storage room for toys that your children no longer play with,” Rachel told Real Simple.

Review paperwork on a daily basis

Don’t let your papers pile up. “When you grab your mail each day, recycle the junk mail immediately and sort the rest in vertical file folders.” Rachel suggests.

Organise your life according to your needs

“Be realistic with how you and your family function and create organising systems based on the way your live,” says Rachel. For example, if everyone takes off their shoes at the front door, set up a basket system for each member of the family. 


Allow kids to organise themselves

“Dedicate a kitchen drawer or shelf in the pantry with the supplies that the kids will need to prepare their lunches,” she recommends. Teach your children some organisational strategies so they can take responsibility for themselves.

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