To attract love or romance, a pair of ducks will usually do the trick. Yes – that’s right, ducks!
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According to feng shui, a Chinese system for harmonising people’s energy with their environment, placing Mandarin Duck ornaments in the bedroom is a popular way to attract love.
Not just for single people, the practice is also believed to enhance or improve relationships already formed.
Speaking to Better Homes and Gardens, Liz Wiggins, a Feng Shui expert in Sydney, said: “Normally placing some Mandarin Ducks works well – they, of course, must be in a pair.”
In traditional Chinese culture, Mandarin Ducks are believed to have one partner, which they are devoted to their whole life. If they are separated, they won’t survive long.
Mandarin ducks in the bedroom
From small statues and figurines to a painting, Mandarin Ducks can be placed in the bedroom in any shape or form that you find appealing. When it comes to placement, they must be kept together, preferably facing each other in a clean, well-lit space.
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